This is the final part to my Big Bear photos It does not include nearly as many as part one or two but I think that it was the coolest part.
My dad and I were going to see a couple cool places in our car that we rented by driving up this really long rocky road that was made a while ago. My dad went on it on a bus when he was a kid. The road leads you further up the mountain and you have to drive like 2 mph because the rocks were so sharp. Anyway we were going to see this one area called vulture mine but we had apparently turned to early and ended up back on the normal road were you go a little further to go up again. Anyways that first ride was about 40 minutes long and on normal road it took us about 6 minutes to get back to the entrance. When we got there we actually decided to go to a different entrance which would lead to some cooler stuff. When we started the road it was so bad that I thought we were going to have to go back but the road got better and what I mean by better is better than the start which was awful and that means the road was still pretty awful. Anyways, after about 50 minutes we arrived at our first stop. It was a large, beautiful meadow. We got out, and looked around, it was beautiful. There is a river there that people panned for gold in (and found lots of it) but it was all dried out. It was still really cool. Then further down the road that was in the meadow(which was a lot nicer than the normal road) there was this really old shack that a family used to live in. It was so cool to see it, unfortunately (you could't see it from the outside) there was a bunch of graffiti and signatures in it.
Then after that we went further down the road in our car to go to a..... Gold mine. The road got SO bad that we had to end up walking the rest of the way (and even that was a bit dangerous). When we got there it was AWESOME we went in and it was pitch black, but my dad used his iPhone flashlight so we could see a little bit. The mine went about 200 feet deep and it was so cool! It was incredible thinking that people made this with a few pickaxes and shovels. Unfortunately, I couldn't take any photos in there because all of them ended up being really low quality. but I did get a couple shots from the outside.
The meadow
A pretty flower in the dried up riverbed.
Huge scenery shot in the meadow.
The old house/shack. The fence is newly built.
Here's the Mine entrance up close.
Exiting the mine.
Entrance again.
Looking from the hill above.
Cool branch that I found on the ground.
This picture here was actually taken on the way back. it is a log put on the side of the road for decoration and people carved it out revealing the branches and their growth from when they were young then they got bigger, and bigger so on. Anyways, I think that the is a really cool picture.
Here are a couple picture my dad took on his iPhone.
Me in the house
Me next to the entrance. (The little hole)
Ok, I look hilarious and creepy at the same time in this picture. LOL
I'm in the gold mine in this picture. Now you can see what it looks like.
exit to gold mine (I took this picture)
The light is all from the flashlight on my dads iPhone.
gold mine in the back of the pic.
Same pic but with me.
Me looking into the mine through a large hole in the top.
It would be really creepy to slip and fall into there.
The entrance is to the left and down, it's all like a gorge that you walk through to
get to he mine.
Me looking up from the entrance.
That's it for Big Bear! I hope you enjoyed the photo's!
Love the flower in the dried riverbed- God is an artist everywhere. The iPhone flashlight is a GREAT feature IMO. :) Nice photos. Never been to Big Bear- thanks for sharing, Ben!